Week 3 – RiP! A Remix Manifesto & Open Educational Resources

Week 3 – RiP! A Remix Manifesto & Open Educational Resources

RiP! A Remix Manifesto Movie

I have had difficulties in deciding whether or not manipulating existing songs can be claimed as one’s own. I am more on the side of sampling can’t be considered your own music as you are rearranging someone else’s work. I recall in the movie explaining copyright by comparing love and a song about love. It was stated that you can own a song that you have written about your feelings and thoughts on love, but you cant own love. If you reuse someone else’s song about love you are reusing their feelings on love which cant be claimed as your own. Hearing this argument allowed me to see things a little more clearly. 


On another note, I don’t agree that sampling could be considered an instrument. Although you can create and recreate music I don’t think it creates original sounds as it is using pre-recorded audio and mashing it together. Instruments make sounds organically based on how they are manipulated not through manipulating audio replay or other sounds. 

Open Educational Resources

I find that OER is user-friendly and I like that it is free to use without the worries of copyright…unlike music. It has a clear way to search for specific resources that you may use in your classroom. There are different drop-down menus that I used to find a resource for an upper primary science class which made it less overwhelming to find what I’m looking for. The resource provided below shows examples of different animals around the world and the similarities in the same species based on their DNA. This I feel allows students to understand the importance of DNA and how it can show us a variety of different things about the same/similar organisms. 



Something I noticed about OER is that it seems to be a resource for teachers globally. This means that not all the resources provided will be in our BC Curriculum. From what I have found, if you were looking for a specific lesson it could be difficult to find as there is so much variety on the website, however, with time I’m sure you could find it. I also noticed on the website that there is a Google Classroom icon, which I couldn’t get working, but I think it is used to upload pages of resources to your Google Classroom for students to access.


Photo retrieved from Unsplash.com: Umberto

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