Blog 9 – Inquiry Summary

Blog 9 – Inquiry Summary

Hey Crafters!

I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging about my Cricut journey over this past semester. I loved that through this blog I was able to push myself to craft more and to make crafts that are outside of my comfort zone. I learned a lot about the different tools that can be used within design space. This in my opinion is one of the most valuable things I have learned from this experience. Having the chance to make crafts without the pressure of having deadlines or the pressure of making it for a friends or family member was something I needed. Doing this inquiry allowed me to try new things without worrying about messing the project up, because of this I was able to try new things without fear.


If I were to do this whole inquiry over again, I think I would give myself more specific goals. I would also do more research prior to each of my crafts and before I chose what aspect of crafting I want to focus on. I feel that because of the diversity that the Cricut cutting machine offers it was overwhelming to chose a craft each week. I also found that I put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with projects from scratch. I did this so I could develop my design space skills. This made me feel slightly less motivated and uninspired. In terms of setting more specific goals, I would chose a goal such as ‘becoming more familiar with design space’ or ‘practicing multi-layer iron-on projects’ or ‘furthering my paper-craft skills’. When I look back, I realize that by approaching each of these skills each week it made it difficult. To make all of those aspects go more smoothly, I also could have chose for example weeks 1-3 as multi-layer iron-on and 4-6 as paper-craft weeks and then 7 for reflecting on my development of design space then. I think this would have made things a lot clearer in my head and it would have been executed better in my blogs.


All in all, I am very proud of what I achieved through this inquiry blog and I would definitely recommend it to someone who is passionate about crafting. Through this process I realized how much I enjoy making shirts and I decided to open my own Etsy shop called SaltWater Shirts. In my shop I have different items of clothing with designs inspired by Vancouver Island that I have created. I don’t know that I would have made my Etsy shop had it not been for all the crafting I did because of this blog. I hope my Etsy shop does well and becomes something I can blog about in my future!


Thanks for tuning in,

happy crafting!

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