Blog 5 – Cricut’s Privacy Policy

Blog 5 – Cricut’s Privacy Policy

Hey Crafters!

Today I’ll be talking about the intense world of privacy policies. I have included some of my concerns regarding privacy on Cricut and included them below, with answers that found on the Cricut website.

What information do they store?

When you sign up for Cricut’s services you are required to include some personal information. Information such as your “name, address, phone number, email address…credit card information” as well as any other information you include on your public profile.


Where is information stored?

Unfortunately I could not find exactly where our personal information is stored. However, I believe that it is somewhere in the United States as it is an American based company. 


What do they do with the information they have gathered?

Cricut states that they may make some of their users personal information available to “strategic partners’ who help Cricut provide their products and services. This I find interesting because they are beating around the bush in my opinion. It seems clear to me that they will give your personal information to third parties and I am finding a lot of companies privacy policies state that it is to help them run their service. Which I have a hard time understanding. I keep asking myself “what does my personal information offer to business that assist Cricut? Is it offered to the third party companies in exchange for their service? And what do the third-party companies do with my personal information?”. So far I have not found the answer to these questions.


All information retrieved from

Photos retrieved from Chris Panas


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